Season 1 Fic Recs

  • Episode 1.17 Fic Recs

    Ewig Mein

    by RebeccaFK8

    The year is 1771. Four months have passed since Stephan von Namtzen’s declaration of love and Lord John finds himself back in London. Family affairs and scheming courts put the men’s budding relationship as well as their friendship to the test. Will they emerge stronger from the trials and tribulations or will Grey’s demons pull them apart?

    A Thousand Ships: A Tale by James Fraser

    by JRC10

    “Tell me a story, Jamie,” said Claire. Her voice was content and lazy as her head rested on Jamie’s lap. He was running his fingers through her curls, combing them out just to watch them spring back into wild disarray.

    “Alright then, Sassenach. I’ve got a story for ye…though ye may regret asking by the time we’re through.”


    Having told his wife every story he could possibly remember throughout all their decades together, Jamie decides to craft a novel tale in hopes of capturing his wife’s imagination. Claire will be getting far more than she ever bargained for…

  • Episode 1.15 Fic Rec

    Prodigal Son

    by JeSuisPrest

    In this story, Roger never found the Alexander Malcolm pamphlet, so none of the main characters know the fate of Jamie after Ardsmuir closed, and Claire never went back in time again. The story begins in the United States in 1979. Claire, Roger, and Brianna are enjoying a vacation together in Upstate NY when a visitor drops out of nowhere and changes everything.

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  • Episode 1.14 Fic Rec

    Open to Interpretation

    by MistressPandora

    Harold Grey, Duke of Pardloe, knew better than to leave anything open to his wife’s interpretation. It was a stupid argument. Jesus, how could he have been so careless as to take that bait? But take it he did. And Minnie called his whole bluff and left him face-down on the bed, his arse propped up with a couple pillows under his hips

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